This page contains answers to common questions concerning the PSBEAM program.

  1. Where do I start learning how to use the program?
  2. How can I be sure the program gives correct results?
  3. I get an error when trying to install the program.

Where do I start learning how to use the program?

View the demonstration. Read the "Instructions" section of the PSBEAM help file. Run through some of the verification problems in the PSBEAM documentation file to see if you can reproduce the results.

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How can I be sure the program gives correct results?

Study the Verification Problems in the PSBEAM documentation file. If your problem varies significantly from all of the verification problems, you should perform calculations for comparison. Note: Please submit a copy of any new verification problems for inclusion in the Program Documentation.

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I get an error when trying to install the program.

The installation program uses Windows installer technology which is standard for Windows 2000 and later versions. Previous versions of Windows may need to be updated with the latest service releases to support Windows Installer technology.

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